Artificial Intelligence, Making Sports Coverage More Efficient

  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a trend that has been accelerating at a rapid pace for the past 10 years. What was once considered a futuristic pipe dream is now accessible from phones (the iPhone’s Siri) and will continue to be transformed so it can keep...

Female Retention in Tech Companies

  In Silicon Valley, it seems as though there is a growing problem with the retention of women in tech companies. Even tech industry leaders such as Google, Apple, and Amazon have below 50% female representation in their workforce. Even though there have been...

Blast Motion to Debut Swing Sensor Tech in Youth Baseball

  The company Blast Motion has recently made a ground-breaking announcement that it will be bringing its unique bat sensor technology to a much younger market very soon. As of right now, Blast Motion is the only bat sensor producer for the MLB, helping the league...